Done for you Website Design Intensives

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Websites

Is your website the thing that’s keeping you stuck in your business? You may have been trying to DIY it for a while now, but well… let’s just say that it’s not working out quite as planned… Time after time we come across clients who are in desperate need of a done for you website but their budget simply doesn’t stretch to a bespoke site. There’s no denying it, if you want something built just for you and by someone who knows what they’re doing, it takes time and therefore money.

We know that a lot of you build your own websites and often that comes with a lot of frustration. Not because you’re not highly capable, we’re sure you are, but because you’re not a web designer! Well, we don’t want to see you struggle any longer, we want everyone to have a beautiful website, designed by a professional, at a price they can afford.

So that’s why this is a VERY exciting day!

Today we’re launching our One Day Website Design Intensives.

A design day dedicated to just your project can achieve the same results as a standard 4-week design project while drastically reducing the amount of time we need to spend designing.

The process is simple, you pay a deposit, get access to our portal to guide you through creating your content with clarity and we book a time for our strategy call and intensive design day.

How is a done for you website intensive different?

You get access to an experienced design team for one whole day (or more if you need it), no emails, no other clients, no distractions and complete focus on you and your website. With immediate feedback, instant revisions and time to focus on just your project we never lose sight of your goals.

I help you get ready for your intensive design day with comprehensive, guided prep work and a kick-off strategy call to make sure you completely understand your website goals, your dream clients and your message.

My Website Content Planner helps you craft your content and your message so that when an ideal client lands on your website they know they are in exactly the right place.


“You can’t build a website in a day. Not one that’s any good, anyway!”

Yep, we get that a lot. 🙂 And we understand how it might seem too good to be true.

But, thanks to a combination of many, many years of experience and a finely-tuned design process – yes, we can!

During a typical day, we can create a website with up to 5 or 6 main pages (plus the standard layouts you’ll need for your blog, legal pages etc). Of course, every website is different and depending on the complexity of each page we may be able to achieve more or less.

Preparation is key to having a super productive day, I guide you through the process to get ready for your intensive day so that we have all the information and resources ahead of time. A lot of the tech is set up before our scheduled day so that we can put all our creative skills into the design. On the day our small design team focuses on just your project.

Each one-day website intensive is completely bespoke with the site style and layout crafted to resonate with your ideal clients. No demo content here, no imported layouts, everything is created just for you during our development day.

If you’re more than ready to hand it over to the professionals so you can focus on growing your business – but you’re on a startup budget and need to be intentional about how you invest, no problem. It’s time to get unstuck.

We create professionally-designed, conversion-focused WordPress websites that tell your business story beautifully, without the custom price tag.

Want to know more? Take a look

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